Livre du Destin~ The Book of Destiny
The Book of Destiny is similar to Lenormand and other fortune telling decks of the day, but includes several cards that are unique to this deck. Printed by B.P. Grimaud, Paris. Grimaud prided themselves on the high quality of their cards, and this deck is an excellent example. Both the art and the printing are far better than most contemporary decks. The illustrations are both beautiful and odd, with many of the cards featuring a main figure towering over smaller, sometimes unrelated, figures nearby. Card titles are in French and English.
The tax stamp is dated Apr 12, 1890, and is on card 16, 'Money'. Someone had a sense of humor!
This deck has been reprinted by Grimaud several times, in 1966 and again around 1970, but is currently out of print. The later versions can often be found for sale on collector's sites, and they use the same interesting art. I love this earlier version though, with its old rag paper and Victorian typeface.